This is going to be an ongoing series. Who could possibly cover this in one post?
When I was thinking about a title for this post, the word blight sprung to mind. I went to the dictionary to make sure I was using it correctly. What do you think?
2: something that frustrates plans or hopes
3: something that impairs or destroys
4: a deteriorated condition <urban blight>
2: something that frustrates plans or hopes
3: something that impairs or destroys
4: a deteriorated condition <urban blight>
I think the definition of blight can be applied to parts of what we are now all calling “social media”.
I never like it when a fad hits and suddenly all these so called “experts” crawl out from
I never like it when a fad hits and suddenly all these so called “experts” crawl out from
whatever the last next big thing was that were trying to sell. I have watched “gurus’ and experts switch topics with breathtaking speed to follow the money.
A great tool to use to check out your so called “SEO or SMO expert” is the wayback machine.
This will let you look at the older version of websites.
I have learned many interesting things about people touting themselves as experts and gurus by checking out their old website!
I highly reccommend you use it to check out anyone who professes to be an expert in social media right now.
It is so new, and I cannot tell you how many people are jumping on this bandwagon who know next to nothing about it.
I am all for using social media, don’t get me wrong.
It is relevant, it had many wonderful uses and it is very effective when used properly. What I am always on the watch for is when people get sucked up into an idea, and pay all these so called experts that pop up every time the next great thing hits and these people still don’t even know internet basics and they call me and are rattling off all these buzz words that their guru is telling them and oh my my my…
It is relevant, it had many wonderful uses and it is very effective when used properly. What I am always on the watch for is when people get sucked up into an idea, and pay all these so called experts that pop up every time the next great thing hits and these people still don’t even know internet basics and they call me and are rattling off all these buzz words that their guru is telling them and oh my my my…
I have been working online since 1999.
In early 2000 I started giving talks at local schools to parents about online safety.
In early 2000 I started giving talks at local schools to parents about online safety.
It never failed that at the end during the Q & A we spent most of the time discussing MySpace.
Most of the parents had no idea what it was and how it worked, they just knew their kids were spending hours online
using it. I was warning about putting personal information on the web and the dangers long before we started seeing
just how dangerous this can all be for young people.
Then came Facebook, this seemed a calmer and more mature version of MySpace.
The average user was older, more in the college age group, and as my own two kids became Seniors in HS, they and their friends all seemed to slowly make the switch over, which I found very interesting.
Then came Facebook, this seemed a calmer and more mature version of MySpace.
The average user was older, more in the college age group, and as my own two kids became Seniors in HS, they and their friends all seemed to slowly make the switch over, which I found very interesting.
Social Media Networking is still in it’s infancy, no doubt about that.
Twitter, which people have various mixed feeling about, has quite a large drop off rate.
More than 60 per cent of Twitter users have stopped using the micro-blogging service a month after joining, according to Nielsen Online research. April 09.
That is not a good retention rate.
There is no doubt that using social media correctly will bring you traffic, it can certainly help you find your niche and connect with like minded individuals and more, but what I recoil from is all the so called experts and gurus who have yet again sprung from the fertile soil of the net to start hawking their expertise and programs.
I would love to share stories your stories, please comment or send me your story and Iwill review it for publication on the blog.
Coming Next- Social Media -Fact or Fiction? What works and what is hype?
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