Empower Network is a scam, rip off and bad news!
A real look at Empower Network, not a fake review.
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I seriously hate all the fake reviews of things online now. There are so many for Empower Network, and please ask yourself the question why? Because so many people are googling is Empower Network a scam, that the people trying to get you to sign up
are writing all these fake posts and reviews to trap you. It is so dishonest.
Here are some sure signs you are about to be scammed and ripped off.
- They cannot use normal payment and safe channels, like Paypal or merchant accounts.
- No refund policy. (Always a bad sign).
- They are banned on Facebook. Also Craigslist, eBay, YouTube, they come and go quickly. Why? Because they are spammy scammy!
- Google has zero page rank, that is a 0 for any of all the thousands of blogs that people are paying them for. (see video)
- The only way to make money is too get other people to join. (Ponzi scheme, MLM scheme).
- You start using words like, my “family” in the Empower Network and so forth. RUN for your life!
How can you see all the pages on a website? Watch my video below and see how, and I will show you how all those thousand of blogs people are paying for have a zero page, which means no one is finding them unless they send them there with a link from someone of their own. That is a heck of a lot of work people!
To check out all the pages on any domain, all you have to do it go to google search and enter site:empowernetwork.com
(obviously insert the site you are checking out), and that brings up all the pages on that domain. Here we get see how everyone paying Empower Network has the exact same website and no traffic or page ranking in google.I hate scammers on the internet. Since I started online in 1998 selling e-books on eBay, I have met every kind of scammer and scam scum you could imagine. eBay was like wild west back then and it was horrible.
Other criminal scammers and sellers would ruin all your auctions and ruin you.
It was like a battle zone back then and every scam you can think of could be found on eBay.I am always on the lookout to warn people about the most obvious of scams and this Empower Network Scam set off every bell I know.
One of the problems now in researching scams is all these people who work for and sell the scams now write negative headlines and even make negative videos on youtube, saying scam, fraud, etc… but actually endorse the products or people like this company, so it is getting even harder to find real information like I am doing today on scams!I was cleaning out old email when I ran across someone who had hired me years ago to do some graphics for her. I was curious what she was doing now, because she seemed like a bit of a lost soul online to me and very muddled in what she was trying to do. When I went to her new website I was dismayed to see her with a predone scam websites and then I sadly saw she was sucked in hook line and and sinker with this Empower Network Scam.
She is getting a divorce and wants to get her half of the money to buy more into the Empower Network!
This is a quote off her website, ” I am settling for a lump sum payment for myself to get “all in” with Empower and have some funds left over to advertise. I can only do this because of my 100% belief I have in Dave and Dave and Empower Network.”.
She writes about how her lawyer made her sign a paper that she will not come back and sue him for what she is doing.
Do you think warning bells should be going off for this lady?
She sounds really lost and sad and she is saying things like brainwashed people in cults says like this:-
“my new family of marketer’s in Empower Network”
“It’s a movement of like minded people that want to live a life of abundance and freedom! Everyone is welcome, come join us!”
“I have complete faith in Dave and Dave and Empower Network!”
I always wonder how people can fall for stuff like this. I think it is like daydreaming about winning the lottery.
With one click on Google, you can find out how dishonest and wrong these scams are, but no, people seem to just want to buy the dream so badly, especially like my poor lady above who is at a very time in her life and looking for hope and a lifeline.First off all this is, is another MLM, or multiple level marketing scheme. Been around forever and the model does work for Amway, MaryKay, and others, and they actually have real products to sell.
This rip off scam does not even have a product.
Next the first place I always go to research scams is who is running them?
In this case we have two guys, Dave Wood and Dave Sharpe.
Who are these guys and where do they come from?David Wood: lives in Costa Rica, the Empower Network payout bank account is listed as in London and he has his company registered as a foreign entity from Delaware in Florida. They cannot use normal payment channels, like Paypal, (HUGE RED FLAG), so they make their members pay for a payment system they use called e-wallet ($19.99 per month) – In order to get paid, you need to pay for their payment processor. This is unheard of and the only reason that Empower Network has to do this is because they are based in Costa Rica and they cannot get accounts with Paypal or a normal Merchant account because these companies classify Empower as ILLEGAL.
Dave Sharpe: He says him and the other Dave are ex-addicts, and homeless guys, who failed at all internet business endeavors I cannot seem to find any actual real information on either of them. I could if I wanted to spend more hours on this, but I don’t. The sad fact is, legit, real people are easy to research online and easy to find real profiles, addresses and people who know them. With these two it is very difficult to find real information on them.
It took me about 2 hours of shifting through fake “scam” reviews that all linked to the Empower Network website, to actually find some good legitimate articles about what a rip off and fraud Dave Wood and Dave Sharpe are.
I am listing them here to save you the time.Empowered to Expose the Empower Network Fraud
Rip Off Report, Empower Network Scam
Empower Network, Two Thumbs Down
Why I left the Empower Network
They are so scammy and spammy that they got banned on facebook. Here is funny paragraph from a guy who turned around the ban into his own little scammy course telling the cult members to try some different methods.
Facebook Shuts Down Empower Network – HELP!
So right now… many people in Empower Network are panicking because Facebook just shut down Dave & Dave’s 8,000 people strong Empower Network group and marked all Empower Network links as SPAMMY or unsafe…
…meaning you CANNOT promote Empower Network on Facebook anymore! (In the traditional way – solution below)…
There’s going to be a massive panic as Facebook has been the ONLY way for most marketers to market Empower Network… People have been CRUSHING it by using Facebook apps, auto poster software and contacting people with their affiliate link… now, it’s all gone wrong…
Pretty funny , but so sad for the people who have paid 1,000’s of dollars to these creeps.Here are a few quotes from people who have been burned.
“Big Ideal Mastermind is part of Empower Network. This pure hype and BS They get you join for $45. Then they tell you that this is the basic level and the training and money you make at this level is not very good and need to upgrade good to the $500 level. or $1000 or all in at $3500. They don’t tell you that up front..”
“I got sucked into the Empower Network world last year … it didn’t take me long to realize, WTH?! This is NOT what they were promising/guaranteeing. The thing that GETS me the most … a $25 investment, until they guilt you into spending thousands (that MOST people don’t have to part with) … grrrrrr.
Anyway, I got outta there and FAST!!”“This man in costa rica is laughing all the way to his multiple offshore bank accounts while you poor, desperate individuals dump not only monthly fees but also this starter kit money into this guy’s pocket. Is it really EN’s fault that they have such a lack of ethics and compassion for desperate human beings.
At the end of the day, remember this. There is no such thing, and there will NEVER be such a thing as making exorbitant amounts of money from a few mouse-clicks on your living room couch. It will never happen, get it out of your head. Go out there and find a real job, or, start your OWN business. ““I am a member of empower network and joined around June first 2012. Since then I have only sponsored one person. I to was under the impression that it was only $25 to join and 100% commission and all I had to do was to blog daily and advertise for one hour.
It is now almost 4 months later and all I have is just 2 people one I sponsored and their 2nd person. The 100% commission is not really true because you have to pay fees on that $25 and it totals out to about $19 and a few cents so really it only about $19 a month you will be getting on all basic members that you sponsor if you can sponsor enough people.
They do not inform you of the other fees involved such as affiliate fees and eWallet fees which $19.95 each and the total out of pocket for that part is $64.90. You would have to sponsor at least 4 people to broke even because you only get back about $19 for each one on basic level.The money does not go directly to your bank account, that is another myth, it is process from your empower network account to eWallet merchant account and that takes about 3 weeks (not sure) if you are a new member and then it takes about I do not how long to process that to be transfered into your bank account.
I blogged every day and I did not see any of my titles at the top of google.” (This is one of the promises Empower Network sells to people).
“Take a look at the people promoting it, the whole thing is like a who’s who of the online scamming world.”
This is a shot from a forum where all these get rich quick guys tell each other what is working and what is not.
This guy gave it a shot and then explains how it broke down fast. No money to be there and this is from a guy who knows how to work a “system”.It’s always amazing to me how many people will get lathered up and jump into something as long as there are huge dollar figures mentioned in the pitch, and then try to find a way to justify it afterward.
Sure, the people marketing this were very crafty in setting it up to make this sort of appeal, and to ‘convert’ such a high number. But come on…maybe you shouldn’t be concerned ONLY with ‘conversion rates’ – after all, Jim Jones had a nearly 100% conversion rate, with his final ‘offer.’
There is no ‘product’ with Empower, other than ‘the dream’ of getting rich quick, at any cost. They rely totally upon the unbridled enthusiasm of those who are ‘desperate to get rich,’ and upon the lock-step conformity of their newly formed devotees.
This sort of thing is just like a prairie fire…it’s big, bright, and burning with intensity, but also leaves behind a smoking trail of devastation. The object is to be one of those who moves along with the fire, and who keeps frantically stoking it with all the human fodder they can find.
“It is hilarious that people are willing to pay $25 a month for a free blog, $100 a month for motivational speaking and $1,600 for a outdated seo course that who knows how many people are using. Do people still believe they can outsmart a multi billion dollar company?
You think the share holders paying $600 a share will put up with some punks doing this.
This program has cult and suckers written all over it.
Oh yeah this David wood guy use to live in a van with no im experience lol
Get real folks.”“I was in empower network and got no traffic from the blog they gave me after being in for a month i quit and went back to my own blogs where i have more success.”
“I joined EN 3 months ago under one of the top earners. I have not made any money. She keeps claiming most of her downline is making $10000 a month. I think I am pretty gullible”
from what i found out simple2advertise is just another company that has EN landing pages to advertise EN. i guess they need an entire new domain or something to host so ppl can get their ads through?correct me if i’m wrong.
Yeah, Empower Network has been banned by YouTube, Facebook, and Craigslist, so they need other ways to spam their stuff on those properties.
I’m sure they told their members there were other reasons why they created a new domain to use. Probably fed them some garbage about why YouTube, Facebook, and Craigslist banned them too.”
“If you are deciding to join Empower Network, think about this for a minute.
Resource: Empower Network Income Disclaimer page : (look it up online, I do not want any links to them on my site.)
So basically this says that out over everyone who signs up, 91% do not make a profit. This includes people who signup and leave immediately or never try, but that should say something about this system. It’s so successful that only 9% actually make more money than they spend Overall.
So just ask yourself this question, are you part of the 9%. Because if you have any doubt whether you can make it or not, 91% failure rate is something to think about.
And if I was running a company, I would be ashamed that 91% of people could not use the Training (Top Notch as they say) or system to make money (full proof as some claim).
Also to all the people claiming they are making money with this system, some of them are lying, the numbers speak for themselves.”Click this image to see full size.
I hope you find this helpful or if someone you know is falling for this scam, send them to this article. I really hate to see people getting ripped off.
Many people join because they want to learn blogging and figure out internet marketing.
This is what I teach people to do, and I have a membership website launching in the summer that is real information on how to set up your own website in WordPress and
help for you along the way. I do not promise riches for people. Working online and building a solid business online takes time and ongoing effort.
There is no get rich quick way to make money online. I have seen so many get rich quick schemes like this Empower Network come and go over the last decade it is crazy.
People who fall for it try to make themselves feel better by saying , hey I learned how to blog, or I learned so much, but none of them go on to make any money or have any success online. That makes me sad. Please realize that you can start your own website for FREE, on wordpress.com if you have no money, and WordPress offers all kind of training for FREE.
You do not have to pay someone 25-150 a month to learn these things.
I also do one on one remote training if anyone is looking for a real live person, you can phone up and work with on your own computer, who also uses Paypal and has a legitameate track record and business. I am happy to help you get started online.Click here to visit my other websites.
Askmepc-webdesign.com, WordPress Website and Training
WordPressCentral.org, FREE WordPress Help and Videos
WordPressTotalTraining, Always up to date WordPress Membership and Training , the last WordPress Resource you will even need. Launching Summer 2013. -
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